The animals that live at Creature Comforts Cottage and that you
will find on the next pages of this website are now considered
to be rare breed fiber animals. Although genetically they have
been around for a long time, in recent years the interest in them
has also meant improvement in the breeds and in the fiber they
The first animals that came to live at Creature Comforts Cottage
are the angora rabbits. There are 4 breeds of angoras: French,
English, German and Satins which are actually Canadian. The
Satinshave been developed in Canada but are named Satin for
their unique fiber type. There is also a Giant Angora, much like
the French in appearance and fiber texture but produce yields
similar to the German Angora. Angora from bunnies is the
finest of all fiber animals. Satin and some English have micron
counts in the range of 8 - 10 microns. It is even finer that some
qiviut which has a micron count of 10 -14 . I have raised all the
variet ies. Germans bunnies are the favorites with their beautiful
ears and feet but English, which look similar are fun. They are
often thought to look like cute fluffy dogs. But my own favorite
is the Satin angora. Their fiber is exquitely soft and light but
there temperment and personality is the sweetest of all the
bunnies I have had. Currently I have Satins and French and
will again have German Angoras available in the Spring. I will
ship by air to major centres in Canada. I no longer show my
rabbits but when I obtain my own new stock they are show quality
and the offspring I sell are PUREBRED show quality.
In 2000 I added live butterflies to my angora breeding and fiber
activities. Once I learned about their are I now have them
available every summer for weddings and special events. In
2004 breeding program. You can read more about it on the
pages that follow, If you have an event you are planning and
would like to release butterflies, or are a school or teacher
planning an educational butterfly life cycle and metamorphosis
experience with children in spring, please order early. Ordering
begins in January /February,presentations in April, and deliveries
of the school kits in May.So there is time for them to grow and
release before the end of the school year.