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Fiber Art Studio Heritage Craft Gallery Educational Butterfly & Fiber Farm
Angora Goats
Colored and White

Hi Everyone.  I am the first beautiful little buckling born
at Creature Comforts Cottage in January 2010. This is
my baby picture.  Aren't I cute?  I am angora goat kid. 
Want to see how I look as I am growing up?  This is
me on the right and my name is Steel Banjo.  I am a
bottle kid so I am very friendly and come to my name
when I am called.  When I was just a few weeks old I
learned to pull a little cart for my very first visit to see
children at school.  When I am a big buck, I am going
to learn to pull a BIG cart with my friends.   I am
already a working goat and my job is to grow my
coat to be long and lusterous before it is sheared.
It is then made into all kinds of  wonderful things
to wear.  I am called a BLUE colored angora and
have the most wonderful superfine pure white
fleece.That means it is VERY SOFT. You can see
in my picture how whispy my kid fleece is.  I am
getting my first shearing soon so my fleece will
grow back in time for winter. My coat keeps me
very warm in our severely cold Manitoba prairie
Canadian winter. The fiber that comes from an
Angora goat is called MOHAIR and it is 4 times
warmer than sheep wool. Hey Buddies did you
hear that -- we are FOUR TIMES WARMER than
you!!  I wonder what  will be made from my first
kid clip?  Maybe some mitts or socks to keep
those human fingers and toes toasty and cozy? 
Hmm ... I think it just might be a Christmas
present for someone... like a beautiful shawl. 
My friends will tell you more. I hear someone
calling me for treats. ...TREATS! got to go
Oh yes meet my pal Adagio.  Hey Dagio  ...

 June 29, 2011  Noon  Announcement from Tresa

A brand new little doeling came to CCC today.  I am a proud mom.   Pic to come.  This little girl is a  tiny sweetheart name "Katie"  in honor of guess who -- our special visitor(s) to Canada on Canada Day!  Hey anyone watching the tour on Sunday July 3, in Quebec City, did you see "Batisse"?  Wasn't she beautiful.  She is the mascot  of the Royal Vingt Deux.  She had a beautiful blue cloak on but I think she is a white cashmere. doe.  How great is that - one of us - a mascot to A Royal Regiment in Canada no less!  How do I know it is a doe, well did you see her horns?.  If it was a buck its' horns would be a lot bigger and grow out instead of back over the head.